the crochetinator

my randomness in crochet, and my attempt to finish all the projects i start...

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

a long over due update!

so here's the deal! I've been lazy and haven't made too much progress on my projects...I just haven't been motivated to read the pattern, i loved when all i made was simple scarves and i made up my own rules, well, i wanted to do more so then i had to follow patterns to get the idea of what i wanted to i guess i have to make a few things before i actually get the hang of it all...but it's just sucking in the meantime! and the million granny squares i have to make are on hold because i can't find my hook! oh no!

it's somewhere in my apt but that could be anywhere right now. and i forgot to grab my thingy to put pictures from my camera to my you should expect pictures in about a month when i finally go home to pick it up! so eventually i will have pictures but unless i do other things in the meantime, i probably won't have any other way until then.

in other news, i'm tired...and probably going to lay and watch the tv.



  • At 12:48 PM, Blogger Jez said…

    Yay, a comment! The big news is that Max made an offer on a condo! Yesterday! I am so nervous about it. I don't know when we will hear back from the owners! Terrified! Excited! Trying not to imagine myself there so I don't end up devastated! You know, that sort of feeling. I didn't want to blog about it until we were a bit more sure about it, but no harm done in telling you, I suppose. :P


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