The projects that lie ahead...
Ok first, let's talk about all the things I have to do kinda soon for the wedding:
1. 2nd round of e-pics, those happen this weekend and they're important because I want to finish the response postcards and want to see if I like a pic from the 2nd round or the 1st round better, I'm not sure which ones I will like.
2. Print, cut, and assemble invite inserts. I have them for the most part done and ready to print, but again, waiting for those 2nd e-pics...and I'm waiting for confirmation in writing about our new room rates...since they apparently changed for the better! yay!
3. Finish invites. I'm working on these at work since I have some downtime. I have to glue and tie the ribbons on them and then they'll be finished. Shouldn't take me long!
4. Finish the pots. I still have about 15-20 pots that need flowers in them. I'm hoping to finish those this week as well.
So those are all of the items I want to finish in October. Oh and not to mention losing around 5-10 pounds before January when I have my bustle done. I also have decided to make my garter and that will be a project for later, not now later.
Onto crocheting/knitting projects....
1. Sweater for mom for christmas. Knitted.
This will be a challenge as it's my first large knitted project but I absolutely love the sweater and think it would be perfect for her! It's from interweave knits and the minimilast cardigan, I'm too lazy to post pics!
2. Sweater for sister-in-law for christmas. Crocheted.
Though the directions are 3 pages long, I dont' think that it will be a big deal considering I'm a good crocheter and been doing it for a long time.
3. Scarf for fiance. Crocheted.
I've already started and am about 1/3 done. Hopefully tonite I'll make it to 1/2 way or more done. I made the pattern myself and it's a zig-zag stripe but I don't know how I'll like it when it's done. I'll just make him a new one next year if I dont' like it! HA!
4. Sweater for fiance's mom for christmas. Crocheted.
Do you see a pattern in xmas gifts? The yarn color I want isn't available until 10/22 so I have to wait to get this one started anyway, but it's crocheted so it shouldn't be a problem.
OK, so the only one I'm sorta worried about is the knitted one, but I'm confident as the pattern is not difficult at all. I'm hoping to have a sweater every 2 1/2-3 weeks done. It will take a lot of time but that's ok. I'll start bringing it to work and doing it on my lunch time so that's an hour a day, but probably more like 45 minutes.
So those are all my projects and I'm hoping to have a finished scarf either by the end of this week or the beginning of next. Wish me luck!
1. 2nd round of e-pics, those happen this weekend and they're important because I want to finish the response postcards and want to see if I like a pic from the 2nd round or the 1st round better, I'm not sure which ones I will like.
2. Print, cut, and assemble invite inserts. I have them for the most part done and ready to print, but again, waiting for those 2nd e-pics...and I'm waiting for confirmation in writing about our new room rates...since they apparently changed for the better! yay!
3. Finish invites. I'm working on these at work since I have some downtime. I have to glue and tie the ribbons on them and then they'll be finished. Shouldn't take me long!
4. Finish the pots. I still have about 15-20 pots that need flowers in them. I'm hoping to finish those this week as well.
So those are all of the items I want to finish in October. Oh and not to mention losing around 5-10 pounds before January when I have my bustle done. I also have decided to make my garter and that will be a project for later, not now later.
Onto crocheting/knitting projects....
1. Sweater for mom for christmas. Knitted.
This will be a challenge as it's my first large knitted project but I absolutely love the sweater and think it would be perfect for her! It's from interweave knits and the minimilast cardigan, I'm too lazy to post pics!
2. Sweater for sister-in-law for christmas. Crocheted.
Though the directions are 3 pages long, I dont' think that it will be a big deal considering I'm a good crocheter and been doing it for a long time.
3. Scarf for fiance. Crocheted.
I've already started and am about 1/3 done. Hopefully tonite I'll make it to 1/2 way or more done. I made the pattern myself and it's a zig-zag stripe but I don't know how I'll like it when it's done. I'll just make him a new one next year if I dont' like it! HA!
4. Sweater for fiance's mom for christmas. Crocheted.
Do you see a pattern in xmas gifts? The yarn color I want isn't available until 10/22 so I have to wait to get this one started anyway, but it's crocheted so it shouldn't be a problem.
OK, so the only one I'm sorta worried about is the knitted one, but I'm confident as the pattern is not difficult at all. I'm hoping to have a sweater every 2 1/2-3 weeks done. It will take a lot of time but that's ok. I'll start bringing it to work and doing it on my lunch time so that's an hour a day, but probably more like 45 minutes.
So those are all my projects and I'm hoping to have a finished scarf either by the end of this week or the beginning of next. Wish me luck!
At 5:30 PM,
Jez said…
hehe...I'm not committing myself to anyone this year. I may knit the new padre a pair of socks (because he sort of mentioned it one day) but I'm definitely not promising anything.
The minimalist cardigan is one of my favorite patterns, but keep in mind that even though it's easy, it's time consuming. I think it's either moss stitch or seed stitch, which means you have to switch b/w knit and purl on EVERY STITCH. it's not hard, though. YOU CAN DO IT!
Some Starbucks buddies are talking about starting up a knitting group can join us if you're able to...I'll let you know more when we figure it out.
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