the crochetinator

my randomness in crochet, and my attempt to finish all the projects i start...

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

short post!

ok, i have a few minutes before i have to leave for work and i'm here's a short post! I'm still awaiting a phone call about the job i applied to :-/ I just want to know something definite about next year...well actually this all has to be settled by July! And i have no idea what's going to happen...i'm starting to knit more, i did yesterday and will probably today too! yay!

on a craft note: i'm thinking about doing small watercolor flowers on the invitations to the wedding, i know, i'm crazy but that's what i want. and to do it on actual watercolor paper would be ridicuously expensive. So can anyone point me in cheap watercolor paper direction? OR should i just do it on a linen paper? I can get 100 sheets of that for like $10 at (where i'll be getting the envelopes from!) What do you think? (i think this may be directed to

maybe another update tonite!


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

un-knit related

Ok, I've taken upon myself to divulge an intro to my opinions on the pre-presidential race also known as the primaries and caucuses...i've continued on my scarf and not because i'm lazy, but i should be done eventually....anywho, here goes!

Barack Obama - i think i could vote for him, the only problem is that he's young and inexperienced. Hes only been in the senate for 2 years and now he thinks he knows how the system works to run the country?? but then again, did georgie? no. I think he's very likeable but can also insert his foot into his mouth (see "wasted lives") but he also has the human quality and can write it off as admitting his mistakes out right...but i'm not sure if he has the balls to run this country especially at this time since we're stuck in someone else's civil war. We need someone to be forward and take control and blame if it all goes bad. I think his enterance into this is really can't recouperate from a bad run at this...but then again maybe that's what he wants to get us all off his back to become president but that's not really what he wants and he knows this is the wrong time!

Hilary Clinton - ok, so hear me out. She's smart, she can be aggressive, and she's married to Bill. She's a winner in my book, but there's something about her that make women hate her, she's very self-assured and independent. She's got the last name thing going, and we loved the Clinton years, it would be fabulous. I honestly believe that she would make a better president at this time than Barack, just because of her experience of already being that close and being in Congress for longer. She gets it.

They both are very promising but can make some big mistakes until the election. I don't think that people really like Hilary even though she stands her ground, she speaks her mind, and she's confident in what she's saying. Which is everything that Barack is. Though Barack seems more grounded and likeable. This could really go either way. I'm hoping and wishing and praying that the democratic party does not screw this one up...though it may be that way anyway and still win, it's a toss up and i'd say too early to tell. So say what you will but i'd vote for either one!
