Ok, so i was at work scoping out to see if new positions had been listed on a couple of college's websites...and i totally messed up and thought that it was a different location than the actual one it was...so i'm a big idiot and well i guess that i suck at life and won't be getting that job! HA! The interview i think went really well, but i have to hope that this is what's meant to be, because otherwise i don't know what i'm going to do!! I just wish that i would know before 3 weeks from now....i wish that i would know in about 2 weeks, i can handle 2 weeks...it's that extra one that killlls me...
craft time!
the beads came in!!! i'm super excited and may do some designing tonite on some spare wire so when i get the rest of my findings, it'll be easy and no problem...and let's face it, i'm excited!!

and i changed the bridesmaid dresses because the fabric wasn't too forgiving for the girls and i want them to look good!! so here's the new ones:
i suck at inserting pics and such...anywho, i'm going to go play with beads and maybe put some clothes away because my apartment turned into a disaster over night it seems...i just want to find out what i'll be doing next year so we can get a place to live!!!! ah!!!